Accommodations provide students with dyslexia or other learning differences an alternate way to access information and demonstrate their abilities and knowledge while not changing academic standards or expectations. Accommodations help to level the playing field by giving more equitable access to these students.
Keep in mind, accommodations are not a one size fits all. Always consider the individual needs of each student and the accommodations that will best fit to help the student demonstrate knowledge without being hindered by their disability. Once accommodations are chosen, it is extremely important that the child knows how to use them effectively.
Accommodations can be divided into four domains. By looking at each domain for each student, you can create an appropriate list of accommodations. The domains and lists of possible accommodations are listed below.
Presentation – how the students access instructional materials
- Give instruction in various ways- verbal, visual, songs, poems, mnemonics
- Repeat and review key concepts
- Larger print
- Reduce the length of assignments
- Consider the layout of the materials
- Provide study guides for tests
- Provide copies of notes
- Seat student near the instructor
- Read directions and written materials to the student
- Listen to audiobooks during independent work time or for reading assignments
- Never force oral reading in front of the class
Response – how the student demonstrates their knowledge
- Consider the layout of the materials (multiple choice questions can be more difficult, as can essay)
- Provide word banks
- Reduce student’s transferring of work- mark answers in book or a copy of the text book instead of rewriting the problems in a notebook
- Respond orally or with a scribe or audio recorder
- Speech-to-Text
- Text-to-Speech
- Spelling checker
- Grade on content rather than spelling or penmanship
- Reduce or shorten assignments
Setting – where a test or assignment is given
- Individual or small group
- Alternate location
Timing/Scheduling –time allowed for tests and assignments
- Breaks are given as needed
- Extended time